Online Seminar UNSW

Online Seminar: Deterministic Benchmarking of Quantum Gates

This seminar will cover a latest research from   Prof.   Levenson-Falk and  and  Prof. Lidar Labs  at University of Southern California.

Online Seminar UNSW

Online Seminar: Quantum Computing with High-Dimensional Nuclear Spins in Silicon

In this seminar, we will present recent research from Prof. Andrea Morello's lab at UNSW Sydney, on the creation and manipulation of Schrödinger


Meet us at ICPS 2024, Ottowa, Canada

Let’s meet at ICPS | Watch a demo of multi-qubit calibration | Don’t miss our talk: Dynamic qubit stabilization with real-time noise


Join us at IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE)!

Quantum Machines is proud to be a Gold sponsor of the IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE) in Montreal,