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Quantum Computing at Scale

Full-stack quantum computing vendors, HPC centers, and leading quantum research labs use our quantum control stack to build the world’s most advanced quantum computers.

Economically Scalable | Multi-User | Out-of-the-Box Workflows | Bespoke Physicist Support

Advancing Quantum Research

We help experimental quantum physicists in hundreds of leading labs around the world make breakthroughs in quantum research.


Unmatched Performance | Easy to Use | Scalable |
Bespoke Physicist Support

Quantum Control and Electronics
from Room Temperature to Cryogenics

QDAC-II Compact

Quantum Control

Best-in-class and field-proven room temperature quantum control systems for a wide range of qubit technologies and any QPU size.

Cryogenic Control

Sample holders and multi-stage filters; compact and ultra-low noise to ensure the highest fidelity.

Quantum Control

Powerful pulse-level programming and out-of-the-box workflow libraries ensure the highest fidelity and save significant development time.

Quantum Control for Multiple Qubit Technologies



With the OPX as your quantum controller, there’s no limit to the experiments you can run. Find out how to supercharge your superconducting qubits research with these real-world use cases.

Defect Centers and Optically Addressable

Defect Centers and Optically addressable

Find out how you can leverage QM’s advanced quantum control capabilities to perform groundbreaking experiments with defect centers and optically addressable qubits.

Quantum Dots

Quantum Dots

With the cutting-edge control capabilities of the OPX, you can push your quantum dots and spin qubit research to a new level. Click here to read these real-world use cases.

Neutral Atoms

Neutral Atoms

Discover a robust way to arrange, control, and experiment with neutral atoms using the OPX and QUA with this in-depth use case.

Learning Center


QM Product Portfolio: Quantum Control and Electronics

We support any existing qubit processor and quantum device, from millikelvin to room temperature.


Active Reset: Fast Feedback, Dynamic Decisions, and Trying ‘Til You Get It Right


How to Dramatically Increase the Initialization Fidelity of Your Qubits with QUA

Scientific Talks

Fullstack Quantum Compilation: Mind the Pulse Gap


QM Product Portfolio: Quantum Control and Electronics

We support any existing qubit processor and quantum device, from millikelvin to room temperature.


Active Reset: Fast Feedback, Dynamic Decisions, and Trying ‘Til You Get It Right


How to Dramatically Increase the Initialization Fidelity of Your Qubits with QUA

Advancing Quantum Research

We help experimentalists like yourself in 100s of leading labs worldwide make breakthroughs in quantum research.

Quantum Computing at Scale

Shortest development cycle, maximum uptime, and highest fidelity with a quantum control stack optimal for large quantum computers.

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