Quantum Machines Video

Online Seminar: Deterministic Benchmarking of Quantum Gates

Online Seminar: Deterministic Benchmarking of Quantum Gates

The conventional methods to benchmark the quantum gate errors, such as randomized benchmarking (RB), overlook the role of coherent errors known to be one of the most detrimental sources of error, hindering us from the realization of high-fidelity quantum algorithms. This seminar covers a latest research from Prof. Levenson-Falk and and Prof. Lidar Labs at University of Southern California. We present deterministic benchmarking – a new method based on simple dynamical decoupling sequences to reliably capture both coherent and incoherent errors of quantum gates. This method provides insights on how to mitigate these errors and opens a path towards successful implementation of error-correcting algorithms, (arXiv:2407.09942v1).

The seminar is presented by Daria Kowsari, with Michal Goldenshtein co-hosting the event.

Our speakers – 

 Daria Kowsari
  • Postdoctoral Research Associate
    Levenson-Falk Lab, Physics Department, University of Southern California

    Daria Kowsari earned a PhD in Physics from Washington University in St. Louis n 2023, working under Prof. Kater Murch. Daria’s research spans designing superconducting circuits, fabricating high-Q devices, and realizing non-Markovian open quantum systems. Currently, at USC under Prof. Levenson-Falk, Daria focuses on novel techniques to suppress gate errors in superconducting circuits in collaboration with the Lidar group.


  • Michal Goldenshtein
    Customer Success Engineer
    Quantum Machines
    Michal, currently a Customer Success Engineer at Quantum Machines, graduated with an MSc in Physics from the Weizmann Institute in 2022, where she conducted research on trapped ions under the supervision of Prof. Roee Ozeri. During her Master’s, Michal specialized in aligning optical paths with high precision, stabilizing laser frequencies, and optimizing laser-ion interactions to achieve coherent qubit operations.

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