With unified control for microwave and optically addressable qubits, unmatched real-time processing capabilities, and intuitive programming, OPX controllers are ideal for designing superior transducers, ensuring precise and reliable quantum operations.

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Transducers, such as electro-optical, optomechanical, and spin-photon types, enable interactions between different quantum systems. They are crucial for quantum technologies by enabling entanglement of disparate hybrid-quantum systems for computing, communication and sensing.

Unified Control

OPX controllers: OPX+ and OPX1000, provide cohesive and integrated control solutions for orchestrating all aspects of quantum operations across common qubit modalities, such as superconducting, spin, and atom-based devices, from a single platform. This simplifies complex quantum transduction processes. By reliably controlling different qubit modalities, from optical and microwave photons to phonons, within one controller, you can focus on what is most important – science.

Classical Processing at the Core of Quantum Control

Powered by Quantum Machines’ Pulse Processing Unit (PPU) technology, OPX is designed for the most advanced (Turing complete) real-time processing, control flow, and ultra-fast feedback (active resets as fast as 120 ns). PPU can process data and execute control sequences on the fly, providing the necessary responsiveness to handle dynamic quantum environments and ensuring high fidelity in quantum information transfer. These capabilities are essential for quantum transduction, where maintaining the integrity of quantum states requires immediate adjustments and corrections. On the left, there is an illustrative macro to track cavity resonance, which is a crucial function for most transduction experiments.

Real-time feedback and stabilization of resonators

def track_resonance(): 
    update_frequency(“SAW”, center_w + delta_w) 
    measure(“drive”, “SAW”, None, demod.full(“cos”, I_positive), demod.full(“sin”, Q_positive)) 
    update_frequency(“SAW”, center_w - delta_w) 
    measure(“drive”, “SAW”, None, demod.full(“cos”, I_negative), demod.full(“sin”, Q_negative)) 
    new_w = calculate_new_w(center_w, delta_w, I_positive, Q_postivie, I_negative, Q_negative) 
    update_frequency(“SAW”, new_w) 

Agile and Flexible Programming

OPX uses Python-embedded QUA – an intuitive and user-friendly programming language tailored for quantum control. QUA simplifies the development of quantum algorithms and transduction protocols. Its ease-of-use advanced control-flow (For and While loops, If/Else conditions, and Switch cases) can be implemented and cascaded as needed, allowing for quick iteration and optimization of quantum operations, reducing the time and effort needed to achieve high-performance quantum transduction.

Herald with Comprehensive Control Flows

No more heavy post-processing! Many transduction sequences rely on stochastic processes heralded by an event, such as detecting the down-conversion of a single optical photon. Detecting the heralding event to gate a microwave channel eliminates background noise and increases transduction fidelity. Without a real-time processor, users must post-process the incoming data, which reduces operational bandwidth and requires the process to be repeated many times to achieve success by chance. With real-time processing, OPX can react to stochastic events immediately, operating the device only when an event heralds success, making it as straightforward as writing pseudo-code.

Heralding QUA Code Example

def transduce_upon_heralding():
     with while_(not_heralded):         #Repeat until success
          play(“ON”, “optical_switch”)  #Try out the device
                                        #Check for downconversion
          measure(“acquire”, “SPCM”,None,time_tagging.analog(times, acquisition_window, counts))
          with if_(counts>threshold):   #If successful break out of the loop
               assign(not_heralded, False)
     play(“fast_flux”, “coupler”)       #Couple the generated microwave to a qubit
     assign(not_heralded, False)        #Reset the protocol

with infinite_loop():
     i = declare(int)
     state = declare(bool)
     with if_(i == calibrate_n): #Every n-times calibrate the resonator
          assign(i, 0)
     transduce_upon_heralding()  #Run the transduction protocol
     state = qubit_tomography()  #Confirm the qubit state
     play(“pi”, “qubit”, condition = state) #Actively reset the qubit to get it ready for the next iteration
     assign(i, i+1)              #Keep track of shots for embedded calibrations

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Achieve More in Your Research Faster Than Ever

All Qubit Modalities

Unified control solution for numerous qubit types, microwave and optically addressable.

Intuitive Programming

Experienced experimental physicists with a deep understanding of use cases will help you bring up your system, train your team, and solve challenges.

Best Analog Spec

Exceptionally low jitter, noise and phase noise, DDS microwave signals generation, up to 10.5 GHz, 2 GSa/s, 16-bit output and 12-bit input samples, and much more.

Make Quantum Breakthroughs

Run complex algorithms and transduction protocols that were previously impossible to run.